New in 2022!

We go fully digital with an online version of our solutions magazine publication!  Through driving digital marketing forwards, we can measure the impact of the provided content and we are able to adjust content if needed throughout the year.


Package deals

Product launch package

You want to launch a new product? We can support you from A to Z with an inhouse training of our sales team, a dedicated & targeted product launch even, and a custom-fit marketing communication plan that will be build using all of the media possibilities we offer in our mediakit 2022.

Product maintenance package

Those products that have lift a hundred spurs … You want at least to maintain stability in sales. What to do in order to keep those products top of mind by your customers? Together we can select those marketing activities that will call attention to your product range.

Product (re)boost package

A drop in sales? A product that was performing well but that does not perform anymore?
We can boost your product by using a perfect mix of digital & print media.

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