The Crowndeals promotions deliver up to 30% more sales compared to sales of the same product range in the same period previous year!
Benefit from our high-growth e-commerce platform. With 1 mill page views annually, we are the go-to digital distributor for dental professionals in the Nordics
If we
compare to the average results measured by Mailchimp
for ‘Medical, dental, healtcare’we are with 26,3%
in the upper range!
(average = 21,7%)
With 33k+ users in Sweden, Denmark & Norway visiting our websites every year, homepage banners are an ideal way to showcase your products.
We go fully digital with an online version of our solutions magazine publication! Through driving digital marketing forwards, we can measure the impact of the provided content and we are able to adjust content if needed throughout the year. / /
k+ users in Sweden, Denm
ark & Norway visiting our websites every year, homepage banners are an ideal way to showcase your products.
Exclusive email blast / e-shot
Black friday campaign
PPC (Pay Per
Click) campaigns
Cliniclands is known for its well-organized &
successful events.
We can organize custom made events to promote your
products & solutions. Ask us for more information.